Thursday 4 August 2016

At Leap

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! We Go!
One rainy Friday, my brother and I drove to Leap.
When we hopped out, we had a game of Dodge ball. I saw black bouncy balls fly through the air and people bouncing away, and lots and lots of trampolines. If the ball hit you, it would be soft as a feather.  I didn’t know what team to join so I joined Team Red with my friends.
The next thing I went on was the trick foam part. At first, I was scared to do a forward flip but then I did it.
The basketball part was hard but my uncle was so good at basketball.  The last part we did was the main part. It was a bunch of trampolines on the wall you could bounce on.
There was a high concrete wall and I wanted to get up.   My uncle told me to climb up the wall because other boys were doing it. I got growled at and, worst of all, I couldn’t get down so my uncle Josh had to help me down. I was a bit embarrassed.
15 minutes had already passed. There were only 35 minutes left.  For about 5 or 10 minutes, I was in the trick foam pit. I really really wanted to do a back flip, but I could only do a forward flip.
For the rest of the time, we had a real game of Dodge ball. Nobody tried to get me on the other team. I was the only one left on my team and two people were left on the other team. I got one person, and that was my trip to Leap.

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