Thursday 4 August 2016

At Leap

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! We Go!
One rainy Friday, my brother and I drove to Leap.
When we hopped out, we had a game of Dodge ball. I saw black bouncy balls fly through the air and people bouncing away, and lots and lots of trampolines. If the ball hit you, it would be soft as a feather.  I didn’t know what team to join so I joined Team Red with my friends.
The next thing I went on was the trick foam part. At first, I was scared to do a forward flip but then I did it.
The basketball part was hard but my uncle was so good at basketball.  The last part we did was the main part. It was a bunch of trampolines on the wall you could bounce on.
There was a high concrete wall and I wanted to get up.   My uncle told me to climb up the wall because other boys were doing it. I got growled at and, worst of all, I couldn’t get down so my uncle Josh had to help me down. I was a bit embarrassed.
15 minutes had already passed. There were only 35 minutes left.  For about 5 or 10 minutes, I was in the trick foam pit. I really really wanted to do a back flip, but I could only do a forward flip.
For the rest of the time, we had a real game of Dodge ball. Nobody tried to get me on the other team. I was the only one left on my team and two people were left on the other team. I got one person, and that was my trip to Leap.

Thursday 2 June 2016

The Seven Stars of Matariki

Long Long ago there lived 6 girls and one boy. He was called Jack.The girls were thinking of a plan to get the toy star off Jack. The girls were jealous  of Jack  because he was the youngest and they thought he was spoilt. They decided to use a skipping rope to trip him up. 
They pretended to be Mum and called  him in to dinner.  Jack came running and tripped over the skipping rope. The girls poured water on him and snatched the toy star. Just to be mean.
Jack was so mad he stomped over, grabbed the toy angrily and threw it up to the sky as hard as he could. Then the sun caught it with its arm and broke it into seven pieces. These pieces became the seven stars of Matariki.
You can see Matariki in early June.
Much better, Ella. You have given us some details - why things happened and how things happened.

Sunday 29 May 2016

A Walk Around The Forest

Sophie and Alex were best friends. They loved exploring around the forest. They lived next to each other, so it wasn't a far distance to walk to each others house.
They wandered down the path to the forest. laughing away at jokes.
They heard birds singing away. And saw tress all around them brown trees with green tops.
Suddenly they saw a big sloppy mud puddle blocking the way. Stepped gingerly on the rocks, across the mud. accidentally Sophie dropped her bag in the mud. ''Oh No, it's stuck''. 
They heard a bunch of wild dogs heading for them.
They ran as fast as they had ever run before. 
Sophie and Alex were run so fast they couldn't stop.
They looked around the forest they were lost because the path was gone and they didn't recognise the place.
In less in a second a hunter came and took them back to the path.

They arrived home they talked to their mum and dad about what happened to Sophie's bag, and their amazing adventure. 

Sunday 22 May 2016

From Jamling Tenzing

To all the children of St. Paul's primary school, greetings from the Himalayas.
I know you have been following John and our journey to the to roof of the world. I hope you learned something about our mountains and culture.
I invite you all to join me one day to visit our part of the world.

To Jamling.
My name is Ella.  thank you for inviting our class to come see you. When I grow up I will come over maybe. I learnt so much about your adventure. And Mount Everest. Was it a nice walk to base camp and did you go any further. Say to John it was nice of him to stop and  put out rubbish bins.  

Jamling Tenzing Hi Ella. It is our pleasure to share a part of our history and culture. It was a very nice walk to Base Camp. I hope you will be able to experience it first hand in the years to come.

Mount Everest

Monday 16 May 2016

The Magic Show

We all stared at Jonathan, the magician, as the balloon went further and further into his mouth - maybe! 
Our school went to the hall to see a magician on Catholic School Day.
His first trick was giving someone a balloon and letting it go and making a fart  sound. 
Jonathan' s tricks were so smart I couldn't find out where it went to. My favourite trick was when he had a bit of string and he turned it into one piece and then two pieces. 
Later on, we got to watch another show. 
El Gregoe, comes every year. One of the funniest was the pizza one. He had two pizza boxes stuck together. They weren't real boxes of pizza. He said that nobody has found out how he did it but he kept on putting the boxes to the side and they moved to the other side. At the end of that, it ended up on his t.shirt .
The best trick of all time was when Sue, his wife, made him float in mid-air. I was so surprised, my mouth opened wide and my eyes were getting so big. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

The Birthday Of The Church

The Church is people spreading the good news.
The followers of Jesus were scared that they would be taken away by the guards that took Jesus, then the Holy Spirit came. They knew that it was here because they could see flames on each other’s heads and they could feel wind.
They received courage so they went to spread the Good News.
This day is called Pentecost. It was the beginning of the Church.

Thursday 5 May 2016

At The Beach

On Wednesday Mum and I went to the beach to spend time with each other.
Before we left, I was prancing around the room until I got so dizzy I fell over, then Dad called me silly. Mum said it's time to go!
When we got there, we set out the big blue tent so we wouldn't get sunburnt. But! we still had to put sunblock on so when we went in the water we wouldn't get sunburnt. 
I like collecting shells. There were all sorts of colourful colours. They were spotty and sparkly, and some were boring brown. I got this really rare one from my Nana. It was glittery in the middle and white in the outside. It was super duper big. 
After that, I went into the water. I went too far out so I had to come in closer. I called it wavy water Wednesday because the waves were big. 
A bit later on, we had lunch - bread with ham cheese with tomato sauce, and we told jokes. My Mum is so funny.
After that, we went back into the wavy water. I was so sore because I had a big red rash. 
When we got out of the water, we packed up. I was tired on the way home. I fell asleep in the car.
I Love My Mum. She Is The Best Person I Have Ever Met!

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Hamilton Zoo

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk! Squawk! went the noisy Kea.

On Tuesday, our class went to Hamilton Zoo. We were investigating if the zoo was a good place for animals because we had filled up our marble jar.

My favourite thing was the noisy Kea. Its mouth was chirping the whole time I was there. I was wondering why it was chirping. It was big and fat with a bit of blue underneath its wing. Its enclosure was full of trees. It also had cages where it slept. It ate berries, seeds, and tender roots. I was getting  frightened because it started staring at me so I went over to the information board where I couldn't see it, but, when I turned around, it was still looking at me, so I slipped my finger in the cage then it started climbing up to my finger. There was a sign that said 'I bite'. If it didn't say that, I would have patted it. I wondered if it walked slowly or fast then I saw it walk. It went sort of slowly and sort of fast. I wanted to find out what its Maori name was. I want people to stop killing them. 
The Kea fluttered around the enclosure, looking like it was angry at them by peeking and squawking at it. Its mouth was like a duck but smaller. Suddenly a Kea came up to me then I thought I knew what one was the boss - the big bad one. Their eyes scared me a little bit. I was about to burst into flames when I saw the boss. It was so  big. I zipped up my mouth. My mouth was turning into a circle. I scrambled over to the other side to see if there was another big one. I felt sorry for the ones in the wild being killed by humans and the cat family. I saw four bowls full of cool water and I was wondering if Kea can go in water or if they just drink it. I think two are for playing in, and the other two are for drinking.

I felt happy spending time with my friends at the zoo.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

St Patrick

WALT retell a story.
WWBSWW tell the story in our own words.
Who St Patrick was and what he liked doing and what he didn't like doing
 - where he was born - what his family was like
He liked walking on the beach. He liked whittling his slingshot.
He hated school.
One day,
- didn't go to school
- went to the beach
- pirates came
- stole him and the other girls and boys
- sold him in Ireland to Milchu
- was a shepherd - looked after sheep and pigs (swine)
- started talked to God - trusted God and was happy
- One night, heard God talking to him - told him to go the a ship
- when he was on board, - big storm - ship grounded in France
- crew starving
- Patrick asked God for help
- God sent him pigs and an apple tree- ate pork dinner and apple sauce

there lived a boy named St Patrick. One day when he was walking to school he went to the beach. He was pretending to be hiding from the scotish people He liked whiddling with his slingshot. Suddenly a ship came they took all the boys and girls they could find inclooding Patrick. All the boys and girls were schreaming. they sailed to Ireland. Patrick looked after the sheep and swine. He had to light a fire to keep the wolves away. One night in his dream a voice said fast and pray. the next night anthor voice said go go boy there's a ship about to leave. He went to the ship there was a rope and he climed onto the ship. Then there was a bad storm. A huge wave bought the ship to land. They came to france they went off to find food they didn't find any food. Then Patrick prayed to god with all his heart for food. Then a whole herd  of pigs came runing out of the forest. They had pork chops and apples  dinner. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Rocket

Yesterday, our school did our last swimming practice. Our class did something special. We went on a rubbery red rocket. I don't like going on rockets because I always fall down. When it was my turn, I fell over on the bit that you first step on. I got up again and scrambled on the rocket. I almost fell over straight away. On my second go, I started crawling but then, when I got up, I slipped. We got free time then we got a lollipop.  

Swimming Sports

Yesterday was swimming sports. Our school walked to the Ngaruawahia pools. I raced in the big pool because I wanted to go to Interschool's. 

The first swimming I did was freestyle. I came 3rd. We had to wait a long time for our next turn. Our second thing was backstroke. I came 2nd. When the little kids came, our school got a 15 minute break. 

When it was over, we got free time. It was 30 minutes. 
Next, were the relays. I was doing the flying squadron. St Francis came 3rd. Lots of people said, "Better luck next time." Caden and I went home.

Sunday 28 February 2016

World of Maths

Woo! Hoo! This looks exciting. Today, our whole school went into the hall for World of Maths. I remember doing this last year. First, we got numbered. I was number 1. Each group had a Year 5. The first game we played was, 'Go up.' We had to move a handle to make a girl go up and down. The 2nd game we played was, 'Pick the Apple.' We had to get an apple and put it in the right place. The 3rd game we played was, 'Tidy it up.' That was our last game because that took ages. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Swimming Day.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! went the noisy bell. I zoomed to class. The first thing we did was go to prayerful assembly. When our whole school was in the hall, the new kids came to the door. Mrs Smith called, "Haere mai,  Haere mai, Haere mai.". Sienna's uncle said welcome in Maori. When assembly was over, we did some work. Later on, it was lunch time.
But Room 4 had lunch early. It was time to go to the pools. When we got there, we got changed into our togs. First we had to wait for Room 3 to hop out. When it was our turn, I leaped guiitly into the dazzling cold water.
The first thing we did was make a whirl pool. Then we did freestyle. Then backstroke. Then we got some free time. Then we got dressed. Then I trudged to school. While we were waiting for the bell to go, we were allowed to play on the playground. Suddenly the bell rung just as I got to the playground.