Sunday 29 May 2016

A Walk Around The Forest

Sophie and Alex were best friends. They loved exploring around the forest. They lived next to each other, so it wasn't a far distance to walk to each others house.
They wandered down the path to the forest. laughing away at jokes.
They heard birds singing away. And saw tress all around them brown trees with green tops.
Suddenly they saw a big sloppy mud puddle blocking the way. Stepped gingerly on the rocks, across the mud. accidentally Sophie dropped her bag in the mud. ''Oh No, it's stuck''. 
They heard a bunch of wild dogs heading for them.
They ran as fast as they had ever run before. 
Sophie and Alex were run so fast they couldn't stop.
They looked around the forest they were lost because the path was gone and they didn't recognise the place.
In less in a second a hunter came and took them back to the path.

They arrived home they talked to their mum and dad about what happened to Sophie's bag, and their amazing adventure. 

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